Customer service

Get in touch with us

Phone: +45 49 19 22 66

Opening hours

Mon-thursday: 08-15
Friday: 09-13

You get a quick response

We respond within 24 hours (all business days)

Customer service

We can help you

At Danfilter, we want to help our customers to the very end. Therefore, you can always contact us no matter what situation you are in. 

You are always welcome to come by our warehouse and pick up your items. Just be aware that the items must be ordered before pickup. We will notify you as soon as your filters are ready for pickup.

Warehouse opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 - 16:00
Friday: 7:30 - 14:00

If you still need answers to any questions you might have, please contact us via the form or by giving us a call.

Call our customer service

Fill out the form

We typically respond within 24 hours, but if that is not quite fast enough, we recommend you to call us.